Hello everyone! I have another batch of original art from the upcoming comic crossover of the 21st Century, “ARCHIE MEETS JAY & SILENT BOB!” now available on my website. One is the very cool, very dynamic, DOUBLE SPLASH PAGEs 2 & 3 that features, Archie, Randal and Elias, as Archie begins his first day on the job at the Quick Stop!
This 2-page spread is in two 11″x17″ pieces right now. A simple tape job run along the backside and it’s a 22″x17″ piece. I leave it separated in case some were to want to frame the pages side-by-side and not have to look for a Custom frame.

I also have a sweet page where a very angry Veronica pummels Archie with a pan of Lasagna and another page featuring Jay, Silent Bob and Randal!
Check ’em out…!

The response to this One-Shot has been overwhelming and the orders are pouring in at Archie HQ! The powers that be have decided to add a cool Variant Cover as well! Apparently, when Fernando handed in some Rough cover concepts Kevin really took a shine to one of them…so he cajoled Archie HQ to make it a Variant. Here’s a sneak peek…

If you’d like to pre-order a copy of this upcoming comic you can do so through the Archie website https://store.archiecomics.com/products/kevin-smith-presents-archie-meets-jay-and-silent-bob-o-s
Otherwise, Order through your local comic book stores! And I will, of course, have copies available here for purchase when the book comes out in July.
P.S. I’ll be at the Midwest Toy & Comic Fest in Decatur, IL April 12th and 13th! Hope to see you there!!! Hit the link for details… https://www.facebook.com/redstaintate