Hello friends! I’m thrilled to report that I have completely finished all artwork, Lettering, Coloring and editing on my new, upcoming graphic novel, F.A.R.M. SYSTEM: RAGE, the sequel to the first F.A.R.M. System GN that came out in fall of 2022! Like this first volume, this baby clocks in at around 190 hefty pages of fun and mayhem! Now it’s off to the fine proofreaders at Top Shelf Productions where they will disseminate my skills as a writer and give me a list (hopefully much shorter than the last time) of all the required grammatical and punctuation fixes. After I fix them it’s off to Nathan Widick at IDW for the final “assembly.” Nate’s the guy who packages it all up and then makes the Covers, Cover graphics, Inside covers, and all the Indicia pages look all snazzy (do people still use that word, Snazzy?)!
After Nate works his magic it’s off to the printer!!!
And, finally, it’s final destination…the shelves of bookstores across this fine land of America and beyond…!
The slated date for that is November 18th or 25th. I know, right…that’s a ways off, isn’t it? Well, sigh…that’s how things roll these days in the book market. You have to get all your ducks lined up waaaayyyyy out in front now so the Marketers and Distributors can get everything properly lined up and set in motion.
Anyways, I am elated! The book turned out even better than I had initially hoped for–the art and coloring and lettering all look even better on this, the sequel and I can’t wait to get out there with copies and sign ’em up for my readers.

In OTHER news…
The ARCHIE MEETS JAY & SILENT BOB comic is halfway finished and the response from Archie and Kevin Smith fans has been overwhelmingly positive! The fine folks at Archie tell me the pre-orders are strong and fans are already clamoring for a sequel!!! Wow! Pretty cool! If there is a sequel I’ll let you know asap…right now it’s all Whispers and Rumors…
Pre-order from Archie here: https://store.archiecomics.com/products/kevin-smith-presents-archie-meets-jay-and-silent-bob-o-s

(I have this page, and a couple more, available for purchase on this site!)