Today, August 17th, is the last day to get in on the “WIN AN ORIGINAL PIECE OF ART” raffle! Anyone who pre-orders a copy of my upcoming, new graphic novel, F.A.R.M. SYSTEM, is eligible to win! Just order off the website here and that’s it, your name will be entered into the contest. I will randomly draw 10 winners!
That’s right, TEN winners! I’m giving away ten original pieces/pages of art from the book! Woo-Hoo!!! And they’ll be GOOD ones, don’t worry. So get in the game while there’s still time. Here’s one of the 10 pages I’ll be giving away…

In other news! I am booking a bunch of upcoming Cons and Store Signings. In October, the week of the new book’s debut, I will be doing in-store book signings at Krypton Comics in Omaha, Nebraska on Friday, October 28th from 3-7pm. Then, on Saturday, October 29th I will be at the Mile High Mega Store in Denver, CO from 12-3pm! Since it’s also the weekend of Halloween I’ll have FREE Candy and Door Prizes for anyone who stops by and purchases a copy. I’ll also be doing sketches and have my other books and original art on hand.
I’m looking for a store in Iowa to do a signing on Thursday evening on my way to Omaha and Denver. If you are a store owner, and interested in setting this up give me a shout.
In December I will be signing at Titan Comics on Saturday, December 18th from 11am – 3pm. Same as above, if you’re a store owner in the Dallas area I am available for a Friday Night signing, just give me a shout and we’ll set it up!
By Odin!!!!