Welcome to the Mind of Rich Koslowski
Writer, Artist & Humble Genius

Coming in 2025!
F.A.R.M. SYSTEM: RAGE will be hitting the stands in early 2025!!!
178 pages of Super-Hero Madness and Mayhem!!!
Pre-ordering info soon to come…!
About me:
I have worked professionally as a Comic Book/Graphic Novelist for over three decades now. I got my start as a professional on the Archie comic, Sonic The Hedgehog, and, since then, have worked on virtually all their titles including the blockbuster Archie Meets Kiss and Archie vs Predator specials.
I self-published my popular series, The 3 Geeks (later Geeksville) for several years, including a successful stint with Image Comics, before getting four graphic novels (Three Fingers; The King; BB Wolf and the Three LPs; F.A.R.M. SYSTEM) published by indy comics publisher, Top Shelf Productions.
I have several new projects on the horizon, including the sequel to F.A.R.M. SYSTEM…so please keep your eyes and ears open.
I hope you have fun poking around on my site. I have all my books and some nice Original Art available for purchase. All items can be signed and personalized, and shipping is a simple flat $4 fee.
So, yes, welcome to the fantabulous, wonderful world of RichKoslowski.com!
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New Rants from the Blog
FS: RAGE! Update & Stuff!
Hell, yes! I am now finished with the pencils and inks on 144 pages of 178 on my upcoming graphic novel, F.A.R.M. SYSTEM: RAGE! I also have the official release…
F.A.R.M. SYSTEM: RAGE and J&SB news!
Hello friends! I’m thrilled to report that I have completely finished all artwork, Lettering, Coloring and editing on my new, upcoming graphic novel, F.A.R.M. SYSTEM: RAGE, the sequel to the…
Yes, in the crossover of all crossovers Archie will, indeed, meet Jay & Silent Bob! This big announcement was just made this past week in THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER, and I…
3 GEEKS Original Covers in Auction!
Yes, that is correct. I currently have two of the “classic” covers up for auction with the amazing COMICLINK auction site! The cover from issue #4 and the painted cover…